Residential Products & Applications:
SMSF Product:
Through our own mortgage managed product: 70% LVR. Exceptionally competitive Rate.
First Home Buyers Special:
95% plus LMI, 20K credit card can be drawn down to settle ( this is built into the servicing)
Savings to be shown over a 3 month period. FFOG at land stage and bonus at Frame Stage for construction loans.
Investor Special
90% plus LMI, 20K credit card can be drawn down to settle ( this is built into the servicing)
All rates on our mortgage managed products are exceptionally competitive.
We have a great product that is only available through selected brokers and is not widely available. Not available direct on any aggregator panels.
This product will alllow the following:
This is a superb product that commences from 8.49% pa ( Rate is subject to change without notice) and increases with the level of impairment.
We will pay out Tax Debt however mortgage arrears are not at this rate.
Lending to 80% in all category A areas and in WA to 70% LVR.
Lending on vacant land to 80% LVR is available on all Category A areas. and 70% in WA. Land as security is only available to Self Employed Borrowers.
Even better is that this product will refinance on a Low Doc Basis an existing Low Doc loan to 80% LVR and 70% In Western Australia. Please note that LOW DOC is for genuine self employed whose returns are not up to date.
We will ask you to provide some evidence such as current cash flows and past evidence of income in order to establish the income you allege that you earn.
Borrowing more than you can afford or assisting in borrowing more funds to service the debt is not our business profile.
Impaired lending is available to both full doc and low doc borrowers. Rate reflects risk so please ask the rate.
Provided the property values these loans are being written.
Commercial Products & Applications: This covers our Prime, NO doc to 65% LVR and Lease Doc.